Depending on the needs of my client a tailored solution may typically leverage one or more of the following components:
NeuroChangeSolutions (NCS)
NCS have developed proprietary programs specifically designed for, and used by organizations around the world, seeking to leverage the principles of neuroscience to effect real change within their organizations. Based on the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, these programs offer models and tools enabling participants to overcome habitual patterns, rewiring their brains and reconditioning their bodies to create a new way of being. With the possibility to tailor the delivery to fit the needs of any organization, the content can be spread over a series of days and can be delivered in person or online. The option also exists to add individual or team coaching programs to further enhance the value on both a personal and professional level.

Positive Intelligence
Positive Intelligence is a sustainable and scalable way to enable every team member to build mental fitness and achieve full organizational potential. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice and that’s exactly what this app-guided program is designed to do. Positive Intelligence focuses on habit formation, treating the root cause not symptoms, and developing core mental muscles. Just like physical fitness, mental fitness is not a short-term training. That’s why this research-based program offers a platform for ongoing development across a wide range of work and life applications and delivers measurable results.

The HeartMath system combines powerful techniques and technology empowering people to self-regulate emotions and behaviors, even in the midst of the most challenging situations.
By learning to shift your heart rate rhythm, research shows you can move into an optimal physiological state with higher heart-brain coherence. Over 300 peer-reviewed scientific studies and research, show the effectiveness of the HeartMath system. Benefits include reduced stress, increased resilience and capacity to think more clearly, higher levels of innovation, and greater access to intuition.

Resilience for Life
Stressed employees are unlikely to embrace change or to be fully engaged. This series of experiential workshops is designed specifically for organizations seeking to help employees reduce stress and increase resilience. The workshops offer the ideal opportunity for individuals and teams to explore how stress shows up in their own lives and to learn evidence-based ways in which to reduce stress and increase resilience. Successfully delivered to thousands of employees, these workshops can be run stand-alone or adapted to fit an existing Corporate Health and Wellbeing program. Increased employee resilience has been shown to result in reduced absenteeism and conflict and increased engagement, productivity, innovation and better decision making.